Growth Stories

Building Community-Based Summers’ learning sessions focus on what matters in equity: changing mindsets inside the library, involving community in crafting summer programs and recruiting a greater diversity of program partners and participants.

Choose a theme below to see first-hand accounts from library staff of how BCBS training evolved their understanding of equity.

Celebrate the small wins towards the dream

Starting Small

Teri Markson on building equity-based summer services over time

portrait of Teri Markson
portrait of Melina Von Steitz

Building Trust and Understanding

 Melina Von Steitz on making sure that equitable services are built on trust and strong relationships

creature hanging from light switch

Interested in seeing more?

Browse our full collection of equity-centered videos.

Bringing Attention to the “WHY”

Understanding the why of our services with Lisa Gonzalez

portrait of Lisa Gonzalez

Communicating with Staff

Petra Morris on targeted equity conversations

portrait of Petra Morris
A line drawing of a creature flying with a parachute that says Brave

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creature clapping and saying yay you tried

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