Learning Opportunity FAQ
How long is each learning opportunity?
Sessions range from 90 minutes to two hours. There are four to eight sessions in each series. (Length and number vary by location.)
How many different learning opportunities are there?
There are four to eight sessions (length and number vary by location) facilitated as a series.
Who facilitates the learning opportunities?
The learning sessions are facilitated by library staff who participated in BCBS learning sessions, state library agency staff, and equity and learning consultants.
Can I facilitate summer equity learning opportunities myself?
Once you have completed the series of learning sessions you will have access to the community of practice and facilitation materials.
Do I need to prepare for any of the learning opportunities?
There may be pre-work assigned before learning sessions as well as post-work after each session.
What are the learning opportunities topics
Learning session topics may include:
- The Whys of Summer
- Letting Go of Traditions
- Connecting with Community Voices
- Measuring Success
Do I need to attend the learning opportunities in a specific order?
Yes, the learning sessions are presented as a series.
Are learning opportunities just for youth services staff?
Anyone is welcome to attend the learning sessions and facilitators encourage teams from the same library to attend together. We also welcome community partners attending with library staff.
Can I attend a learning opportunity more than once?
Learning opportunities will be open first to those who haven’t attended previously. If room is available those who would like to attend a second time will be able to register.
Where can I find the recording of the session that I attended?
After each session participants will receive an email with information on how to access the recording and other materials from each session. If you do not receive that email contact BCBS.
Does BCBS offer professional development credits if I attend learning opportunities?
At this time BCBS does not offer professional development credits for learning session attendance.
BCBS Program FAQ
Why does BCBS focus on summer?
Because library summer services are universal across the U.S. it is a good opportunity to learn how to embed equitable practices into what’s offered. Summer can therefore act as a jumping off point for laying a foundation of equity in all library services.
Who got BCBS started?
The California Library Association through Library Services and Technology Act funding provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and administered by the California State Library. Learn more by reading about the program history.
How are community members and stakeholders involved in BCBS work
A key ingredient to successful equity-based summer services is inclusion of community voices. All BCBS learning sessions and materials aim to help library staff make connections with community members so to bring others into the design and implementation of services.
How does my library get involved in BCBS?
You can get started by signing up for one of our learning opportunities. Learn more on the Learning Opportunities page.
It’s amazing how relationship-based this work is–especially considering that relationship-building fits so well into our collective missions