
Check back on the first Friday of each month to listen to a new episode in the BEBS podcast series.

Latest Episodes

Episode #17: The Power of Language in Equitable Practices

In this episode, co-hosts LaKesha and Linda talk about the ways in which libraries connect with communities through language . This includes connecting through translation and interpretation as well as through staffing and programs and services.   These ideas are discussed through the frame of language justice. You can learn more about language justice on the University of Washington Language Justice Resources page.

Episode #16: The Stories We Tell Part 2

In our first episode of 2025 we continue the conversation we started in November 2024 with Dr. Nicole Cooke, Augusta Baker Chair at the University of South Carolina, College of Information and Communication and Christine Bolivar, library consultant.  In this part of our discussion we focus on counter-narratives, library school student exposure to equity and equitable practices, and power.

Episode #15: A Gift of BEBS Podcasts

In the final episode of 2024 we highlight some of the episodes from the past year of BEBS Podcasts. These podcasts our gifts to you as you build equitable practices and consider how to evaluate progress, gain comfort with discomfort and vulnerability, integrate authenticity, take time to pause and reflect, and unlearn in order to let go of traditions. We hope you enjoy our gift of previous episodes:

Episode #14: The Stories We Tell Part 1

In this episode with guests Dr. Nicole Cooke and Christine Bolivar, we talk about the stories that library staff and libraries as institutions tell about themselves and the work they do with and for community.

Episode #13: Intersectionality Requires a Lot of People and Organizations

In our second episode on intersectionality, we continue our conversation with Ivan Aquirre, President of the Reforma Inland Empire chapter, and Kym Powe, Children and Young Adult Consultant at the Connecticut State Library. This time we discuss Jane Koston’s article, “Intersectionality Wars” and consider Kimberlé Crenshaw’s suggestion that intersectionality can be a tool for advocacy.

Episode #12: Equitable Practices Require Acknowledging Intersectionality

In this episode we delve into the ideas of intersectionality and its transformative power in creating equitable library services. Ivan Aquirre, President of the Reforma Inland Empire chapter, and Kym Powe, Children and Young Adult Consultant at the Connecticut State Library, join us as we talk about the importance of recognizing the multifaceted aspects of identity. Listen to our discussion on how libraries can move beyond rigid systems and embrace the fluidity of human identity.

Episode #11: How Summer Traditions Impact Equitable Summer Practices

In this bite-size episode we continue our conversation with Sara White, Youth Services Consultant at the Washington State Library, and focus on the summer service traditions library staff hold on to, the history of those traditions, and the importance of reimagining traditions in order to provide equitable summer services.

Episode #10: So Much to Learn

In this episode LaKesha, Linda, and Sara White (Youth Services Consultant at the Washington State Library) talk about all they’ve learned over the past several years working to build equitable summer practices.

Episode #9: Who Are We As an Organization?

In this episode we talk about organizational culture with a focus on how to build an equitable culture and how systems and culture work hand-in-hand.

Episode #8: Reimagining Libraries: Acting as a Public Servant to Foster Community Connection

In this episode we talk with Beth Yoke, Executive Director of the Workforce Council of Southwest Ohio about what it means to be a public servant, why library staff need to move from a library servant mindset to a public servant mindset, and how the concept of vocational awe can hinder that change in mindset.

Episode #7: Balancing Thoughtful Progress with Equity Goals

In this episode we talk about the importance of taking a pause to reflect on the ways in which summer practices are and are not working towards equity. You may also want to listen to our episode devoted to the topic of time as pausing and reflection intentionally taking time for those activities.

Episode #6: Equity-Based Teen Services Requires Authenticity

In this episode we talk with Isabelle, Briggs, the Arts and Culture Program Coordinator at the Los Angeles County Library. Our conversation about equitable teen services covers the importance of authentic relationships that dig below the surface, creating spaces that truly create a sense of belonging, and the importance of acknowledging teen lived experiences in building equitable teen practices.

Episode #5: We Need to Give This Work Time to Take Hold

In this episode we talk with Ashley Watts, Assistant District Director, and Fin Lee, Teen Librarian, about how they are embedding equity practices and BEBS principles into their work at the Altadena (CA) Library District. Ashley and Fin are bringing staff and community voices into design and implementation of the District’s equitable summer services.

Episode #4: It’s OK to Feel Discomfort

In this episode we talk with Los Angeles Public Library librarian (retired) Teri Markson. Teri talks about how she built her own equity practice and now knows the value of being comfortable with discomfort.

Episode #3: Evaluation Can Have An Equity Center

In this episode we talk with Caitlin Martin, our BEBS evaluator. In our conversation we highlight the value of assessment and evaluation in order to understand how well projects are reaching equity goals. We also consider how to work with vested partners in all aspects of assessment and evaluation from determining methods, to coming up with questions, to analyzing results.

Episode #2: Start Where You Are But Don’t Stay There

In this episode we talk about all aspects of time and ask listeners to think about their relationship with and connection to time.

Episode #1: The Why of Equity and Equitable Summer Services

In our inaugural episode, LaKesha Kimbrough and Linda W. Braun provide an overview of: the Building Equity-Based Summers initiative and discuss why equity must be foundational to library summer services, the systems in place that put up barriers to those services, and ideas for overcoming systemic challenges.

Episode #17: The Power of Language in Equitable Practices

In this episode, co-hosts LaKesha and Linda talk about the ways in which libraries connect with communities through language . This includes connecting through translation and interpretation as well as through staffing and programs and services.   These ideas are discussed through the frame of language justice. You can learn more about language justice on the University of Washington Language Justice Resources page.

Episode #16: The Stories We Tell Part 2

In our first episode of 2025 we continue the conversation we started in November 2024 with Dr. Nicole Cooke, Augusta Baker Chair at the University of South Carolina, College of Information and Communication and Christine Bolivar, library consultant.  In this part of our discussion we focus on counter-narratives, library school student exposure to equity and equitable practices, and power.

Episode #15: A Gift of BEBS Podcasts

In the final episode of 2024 we highlight some of the episodes from the past year of BEBS Podcasts. These podcasts our gifts to you as you build equitable practices and consider how to evaluate progress, gain comfort with discomfort and vulnerability, integrate authenticity, take time to pause and reflect, and unlearn in order to let go of traditions. We hope you enjoy our gift of previous episodes:

Episode #14: The Stories We Tell Part 1

In this episode with guests Dr. Nicole Cooke and Christine Bolivar, we talk about the stories that library staff and libraries as institutions tell about themselves and the work they do with and for community.

Episode #13: Intersectionality Requires a Lot of People and Organizations

In our second episode on intersectionality, we continue our conversation with Ivan Aquirre, President of the Reforma Inland Empire chapter, and Kym Powe, Children and Young Adult Consultant at the Connecticut State Library. This time we discuss Jane Koston’s article, “Intersectionality Wars” and consider Kimberlé Crenshaw’s suggestion that intersectionality can be a tool for advocacy.

Episode #12: Equitable Practices Require Acknowledging Intersectionality

In this episode we delve into the ideas of intersectionality and its transformative power in creating equitable library services. Ivan Aquirre, President of the Reforma Inland Empire chapter, and Kym Powe, Children and Young Adult Consultant at the Connecticut State Library, join us as we talk about the importance of recognizing the multifaceted aspects of identity. Listen to our discussion on how libraries can move beyond rigid systems and embrace the fluidity of human identity.

Episode #11: How Summer Traditions Impact Equitable Summer Practices

In this bite-size episode we continue our conversation with Sara White, Youth Services Consultant at the Washington State Library, and focus on the summer service traditions library staff hold on to, the history of those traditions, and the importance of reimagining traditions in order to provide equitable summer services.

Episode #10: So Much to Learn

In this episode LaKesha, Linda, and Sara White (Youth Services Consultant at the Washington State Library) talk about all they’ve learned over the past several years working to build equitable summer practices.

Episode #9: Who Are We As an Organization?

In this episode we talk about organizational culture with a focus on how to build an equitable culture and how systems and culture work hand-in-hand.

Episode #8: Reimagining Libraries: Acting as a Public Servant to Foster Community Connection

In this episode we talk with Beth Yoke, Executive Director of the Workforce Council of Southwest Ohio about what it means to be a public servant, why library staff need to move from a library servant mindset to a public servant mindset, and how the concept of vocational awe can hinder that change in mindset.

Episode #7: Balancing Thoughtful Progress with Equity Goals

In this episode we talk about the importance of taking a pause to reflect on the ways in which summer practices are and are not working towards equity. You may also want to listen to our episode devoted to the topic of time as pausing and reflection intentionally taking time for those activities.

Episode #6: Equity-Based Teen Services Requires Authenticity

In this episode we talk with Isabelle, Briggs, the Arts and Culture Program Coordinator at the Los Angeles County Library. Our conversation about equitable teen services covers the importance of authentic relationships that dig below the surface, creating spaces that truly create a sense of belonging, and the importance of acknowledging teen lived experiences in building equitable teen practices.

Episode #5: We Need to Give This Work Time to Take Hold

In this episode we talk with Ashley Watts, Assistant District Director, and Fin Lee, Teen Librarian, about how they are embedding equity practices and BEBS principles into their work at the Altadena (CA) Library District. Ashley and Fin are bringing staff and community voices into design and implementation of the District’s equitable summer services.

Episode #4: It’s OK to Feel Discomfort

In this episode we talk with Los Angeles Public Library librarian (retired) Teri Markson. Teri talks about how she built her own equity practice and now knows the value of being comfortable with discomfort.

Episode #3: Evaluation Can Have An Equity Center

In this episode we talk with Caitlin Martin, our BEBS evaluator. In our conversation we highlight the value of assessment and evaluation in order to understand how well projects are reaching equity goals. We also consider how to work with vested partners in all aspects of assessment and evaluation from determining methods, to coming up with questions, to analyzing results.

Episode #2: Start Where You Are But Don’t Stay There

In this episode we talk about all aspects of time and ask listeners to think about their relationship with and connection to time.

Episode #1: The Why of Equity and Equitable Summer Services

In our inaugural episode, LaKesha Kimbrough and Linda W. Braun provide an overview of: the Building Equity-Based Summers initiative and discuss why equity must be foundational to library summer services, the systems in place that put up barriers to those services, and ideas for overcoming systemic challenges.

Episode #17: The Power of Language in Equitable Practices

In this episode, co-hosts LaKesha and Linda talk about the ways in which libraries connect with communities through language . This includes connecting through translation and interpretation as well as through staffing and programs and services.   These ideas are discussed through the frame of language justice. You can learn more about language justice on the University of Washington Language Justice Resources page.

Episode #16: The Stories We Tell Part 2

In our first episode of 2025 we continue the conversation we started in November 2024 with Dr. Nicole Cooke, Augusta Baker Chair at the University of South Carolina, College of Information and Communication and Christine Bolivar, library consultant.  In this part of our discussion we focus on counter-narratives, library school student exposure to equity and equitable practices, and power.

Episode #15: A Gift of BEBS Podcasts

In the final episode of 2024 we highlight some of the episodes from the past year of BEBS Podcasts. These podcasts our gifts to you as you build equitable practices and consider how to evaluate progress, gain comfort with discomfort and vulnerability, integrate authenticity, take time to pause and reflect, and unlearn in order to let go of traditions. We hope you enjoy our gift of previous episodes:

Episode #14: The Stories We Tell Part 1

In this episode with guests Dr. Nicole Cooke and Christine Bolivar, we talk about the stories that library staff and libraries as institutions tell about themselves and the work they do with and for community.

Episode #13: Intersectionality Requires a Lot of People and Organizations

In our second episode on intersectionality, we continue our conversation with Ivan Aquirre, President of the Reforma Inland Empire chapter, and Kym Powe, Children and Young Adult Consultant at the Connecticut State Library. This time we discuss Jane Koston’s article, “Intersectionality Wars” and consider Kimberlé Crenshaw’s suggestion that intersectionality can be a tool for advocacy.

Episode #12: Equitable Practices Require Acknowledging Intersectionality

In this episode we delve into the ideas of intersectionality and its transformative power in creating equitable library services. Ivan Aquirre, President of the Reforma Inland Empire chapter, and Kym Powe, Children and Young Adult Consultant at the Connecticut State Library, join us as we talk about the importance of recognizing the multifaceted aspects of identity. Listen to our discussion on how libraries can move beyond rigid systems and embrace the fluidity of human identity.

Episode #11: How Summer Traditions Impact Equitable Summer Practices

In this bite-size episode we continue our conversation with Sara White, Youth Services Consultant at the Washington State Library, and focus on the summer service traditions library staff hold on to, the history of those traditions, and the importance of reimagining traditions in order to provide equitable summer services.

Episode #10: So Much to Learn

In this episode LaKesha, Linda, and Sara White (Youth Services Consultant at the Washington State Library) talk about all they’ve learned over the past several years working to build equitable summer practices.

Episode #9: Who Are We As an Organization?

In this episode we talk about organizational culture with a focus on how to build an equitable culture and how systems and culture work hand-in-hand.

Episode #8: Reimagining Libraries: Acting as a Public Servant to Foster Community Connection

In this episode we talk with Beth Yoke, Executive Director of the Workforce Council of Southwest Ohio about what it means to be a public servant, why library staff need to move from a library servant mindset to a public servant mindset, and how the concept of vocational awe can hinder that change in mindset.

Episode #7: Balancing Thoughtful Progress with Equity Goals

In this episode we talk about the importance of taking a pause to reflect on the ways in which summer practices are and are not working towards equity. You may also want to listen to our episode devoted to the topic of time as pausing and reflection intentionally taking time for those activities.

Episode #6: Equity-Based Teen Services Requires Authenticity

In this episode we talk with Isabelle, Briggs, the Arts and Culture Program Coordinator at the Los Angeles County Library. Our conversation about equitable teen services covers the importance of authentic relationships that dig below the surface, creating spaces that truly create a sense of belonging, and the importance of acknowledging teen lived experiences in building equitable teen practices.

Episode #5: We Need to Give This Work Time to Take Hold

In this episode we talk with Ashley Watts, Assistant District Director, and Fin Lee, Teen Librarian, about how they are embedding equity practices and BEBS principles into their work at the Altadena (CA) Library District. Ashley and Fin are bringing staff and community voices into design and implementation of the District’s equitable summer services.

Episode #4: It’s OK to Feel Discomfort

In this episode we talk with Los Angeles Public Library librarian (retired) Teri Markson. Teri talks about how she built her own equity practice and now knows the value of being comfortable with discomfort.

Episode #3: Evaluation Can Have An Equity Center

In this episode we talk with Caitlin Martin, our BEBS evaluator. In our conversation we highlight the value of assessment and evaluation in order to understand how well projects are reaching equity goals. We also consider how to work with vested partners in all aspects of assessment and evaluation from determining methods, to coming up with questions, to analyzing results.

Episode #2: Start Where You Are But Don’t Stay There

In this episode we talk about all aspects of time and ask listeners to think about their relationship with and connection to time.

Episode #1: The Why of Equity and Equitable Summer Services

In our inaugural episode, LaKesha Kimbrough and Linda W. Braun provide an overview of: the Building Equity-Based Summers initiative and discuss why equity must be foundational to library summer services, the systems in place that put up barriers to those services, and ideas for overcoming systemic challenges.

Episode #17: The Power of Language in Equitable Practices

In this episode, co-hosts LaKesha and Linda talk about the ways in which libraries connect with communities through language . This includes connecting through translation and interpretation as well as through staffing and programs and services.   These ideas are discussed through the frame of language justice. You can learn more about language justice on the University of Washington Language Justice Resources page.

Episode #16: The Stories We Tell Part 2

In our first episode of 2025 we continue the conversation we started in November 2024 with Dr. Nicole Cooke, Augusta Baker Chair at the University of South Carolina, College of Information and Communication and Christine Bolivar, library consultant.  In this part of our discussion we focus on counter-narratives, library school student exposure to equity and equitable practices, and power.

Episode #15: A Gift of BEBS Podcasts

In the final episode of 2024 we highlight some of the episodes from the past year of BEBS Podcasts. These podcasts our gifts to you as you build equitable practices and consider how to evaluate progress, gain comfort with discomfort and vulnerability, integrate authenticity, take time to pause and reflect, and unlearn in order to let go of traditions. We hope you enjoy our gift of previous episodes:

Episode #14: The Stories We Tell Part 1

In this episode with guests Dr. Nicole Cooke and Christine Bolivar, we talk about the stories that library staff and libraries as institutions tell about themselves and the work they do with and for community.

Episode #13: Intersectionality Requires a Lot of People and Organizations

In our second episode on intersectionality, we continue our conversation with Ivan Aquirre, President of the Reforma Inland Empire chapter, and Kym Powe, Children and Young Adult Consultant at the Connecticut State Library. This time we discuss Jane Koston’s article, “Intersectionality Wars” and consider Kimberlé Crenshaw’s suggestion that intersectionality can be a tool for advocacy.

Episode #12: Equitable Practices Require Acknowledging Intersectionality

In this episode we delve into the ideas of intersectionality and its transformative power in creating equitable library services. Ivan Aquirre, President of the Reforma Inland Empire chapter, and Kym Powe, Children and Young Adult Consultant at the Connecticut State Library, join us as we talk about the importance of recognizing the multifaceted aspects of identity. Listen to our discussion on how libraries can move beyond rigid systems and embrace the fluidity of human identity.

Episode #11: How Summer Traditions Impact Equitable Summer Practices

In this bite-size episode we continue our conversation with Sara White, Youth Services Consultant at the Washington State Library, and focus on the summer service traditions library staff hold on to, the history of those traditions, and the importance of reimagining traditions in order to provide equitable summer services.

Episode #10: So Much to Learn

In this episode LaKesha, Linda, and Sara White (Youth Services Consultant at the Washington State Library) talk about all they’ve learned over the past several years working to build equitable summer practices.

Episode #9: Who Are We As an Organization?

In this episode we talk about organizational culture with a focus on how to build an equitable culture and how systems and culture work hand-in-hand.

Episode #8: Reimagining Libraries: Acting as a Public Servant to Foster Community Connection

In this episode we talk with Beth Yoke, Executive Director of the Workforce Council of Southwest Ohio about what it means to be a public servant, why library staff need to move from a library servant mindset to a public servant mindset, and how the concept of vocational awe can hinder that change in mindset.

Episode #7: Balancing Thoughtful Progress with Equity Goals

In this episode we talk about the importance of taking a pause to reflect on the ways in which summer practices are and are not working towards equity. You may also want to listen to our episode devoted to the topic of time as pausing and reflection intentionally taking time for those activities.

Episode #6: Equity-Based Teen Services Requires Authenticity

In this episode we talk with Isabelle, Briggs, the Arts and Culture Program Coordinator at the Los Angeles County Library. Our conversation about equitable teen services covers the importance of authentic relationships that dig below the surface, creating spaces that truly create a sense of belonging, and the importance of acknowledging teen lived experiences in building equitable teen practices.

Episode #5: We Need to Give This Work Time to Take Hold

In this episode we talk with Ashley Watts, Assistant District Director, and Fin Lee, Teen Librarian, about how they are embedding equity practices and BEBS principles into their work at the Altadena (CA) Library District. Ashley and Fin are bringing staff and community voices into design and implementation of the District’s equitable summer services.

Episode #4: It’s OK to Feel Discomfort

In this episode we talk with Los Angeles Public Library librarian (retired) Teri Markson. Teri talks about how she built her own equity practice and now knows the value of being comfortable with discomfort.

Episode #3: Evaluation Can Have An Equity Center

In this episode we talk with Caitlin Martin, our BEBS evaluator. In our conversation we highlight the value of assessment and evaluation in order to understand how well projects are reaching equity goals. We also consider how to work with vested partners in all aspects of assessment and evaluation from determining methods, to coming up with questions, to analyzing results.

Episode #2: Start Where You Are But Don’t Stay There

In this episode we talk about all aspects of time and ask listeners to think about their relationship with and connection to time.

Episode #1: The Why of Equity and Equitable Summer Services

In our inaugural episode, LaKesha Kimbrough and Linda W. Braun provide an overview of: the Building Equity-Based Summers initiative and discuss why equity must be foundational to library summer services, the systems in place that put up barriers to those services, and ideas for overcoming systemic challenges.

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