Quality Principles & Indicators

How do we know if our library embraces equitable summer services? Building Equity-Based Summers’ Quality Principles and Indicators (QP&I) help us to answer that question. They are our calls to action. They inspire change, help us set clear goals, and take the mystery out of assessing our equity-focused efforts. When woven together these principles are the foundational fabric of all equitable libraries.

Our learning sessions cover the deep details of the principles and how to apply them.

Begin with any of our four principles. Acknowledge that equity work requires ongoing iteration and is not a box to be checked off. Recognize that each of our principles connects and bulilds on others. Find a place to start!

A cliff with a sign that says equity
Parachuter jumping off an equity cliff. Parachute says brave.
4 colorful, overlapping circles with one equity principle listed in each
Engage Community Voices
Engage Systemically Marginalized Communities
Equity-based Decision Making
Expand Opportunities

Now equity is forefront in my mind when planning summer, which is a great start, but I know that this will be an ongoing evolving process.

- California library staff member

Summer services are designed & implemented with community voices

A line drawing of a creature flying with a parachute that says Curious

Summer services expand opportunities for learning and connection

Summer services decision-making processes are embedded in an equity-based community mindset

A line drawing of a creature flying with a parachute that says Curious

Summer services actively engages systemically marginalized youth, families, and communities

A line drawing of a creature flying with a parachute that says Brave
A line drawing of a creature flying with a parachute that says Trust

Could BEBS impact more of your community? Join our free learning sessions to begin the change.

We would love to hear from you and you can expect a reply within three days.

Don’t forget to check the FAQs. Your question may be answered there.

creature clapping and saying yay you tried

Thank you for reaching out! We will get back to you within three business days.