The "Why" of Summer

“Whys” matter. They make everything else fall into place.

When we define our purpose and really know who we are and what we want our summers to do for our communities, clear goals rise to the top. 

Summer! Many libraries consider summer the ideal time to go all out. That’s why it’s the perfect opportunity to focus on equity and move away from one-size-fits all approaches.

When it comes to summer, ask, how can we work with community organizations and partners to build on the strengths of our youth, families, and adults? Look at your why for summer services not through the lens of challenges faced by systematically marginalized communities. Instead embrace the opportunities the summer months bring. Don’t be afraid to give up traditions, try new approaches, and be open to risk-taking and iteration.

Building equity-based summer services means moving beyond assumptions and authentically learning about community with community; empowering community members of all ages to design and lead what happens in the summer months.

Group of creatures under a banner that says Ideas Welcome

We are no longer basing decisions just on those that are already participating. Instead, we are actively looking at those not already participating as we plan and make summer decisions.

- California library staff member

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