
Equity is more than making library services available to all.

Building Equity-Based Summers’ (BEBS) empowers libraries to design summer services that are built on a foundation of equity and designed with the community to ensure those experiencing marginalization engage with library services in new ways.

Our learning sessions cover strategies that have brought us the greatest traction in our own equity journeys.  These sessions represent the learnings of staff from libraries across the United States who came together several times in working sessions to learn from each other’s successes and challenges.’

Equality versus equity shown by doorways appropriately sized for 3 varied people.
A line drawing with two doorways to show the difference between equality and equity.

These collaborative sessions with pioneering library staff surfaced truths that we now address in our webinars. Here are just a few.

  • Working towards equity honors diversity and leads to liberation.
  • This work takes time, is intentional, and expands the ways we serve our communities.
  • Equity work requires us to partner with others.
  • Equity work is messy and worth it.
  • Acknowledging who you are serving is essential.
  • It feels good to work on equity, even if the steps are small at first.

Find out about our learning opportunities or check out some videos of previous attendees.

The work changes us as librarians for the better, not just our institutions.

- California library staff member

Could BEBS impact more of your community? Join our free learning sessions to begin the change.

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creature clapping and saying yay you tried

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